Surftech Gerry Lopez Pocket Rocket Surfboard

$ 665.00

  • Product Description

      Gerry Lopez Pocket Rocket

      POCKET ROCKET // For Indo, Hawaii, or anywhere 4'-8' waves are pumping, the Pocket Rocket would be the main battle board in your quiver. The Pocket Rocket delivers extra speed, maneuverability, and control to make riding the edge a whole lot of fun and not as white knuckled, barely hanging in there exercise. In general, the Pocket Rocket would be anywhere in length from 6'-4" to 8'-0" depending on the rider and where they surf. 

      *** Fins Not Included

      Length Width Thickness Volume (L)
      6'4" 19.375" 2.5" 33.1L
      6'10" 19.5" 2.625" 37.6L
      7'4" 20" 2.75" 43.3L
      8'0" 20.5" 2.875" 50.6L
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